Saturday, February 23, 2008

Prelim Knee Report

According to my Doc...I managed to tear my Miniscus, partial tear of my ACL and ripped the main Tendon in the back of my knee. The good news is that the Tendon is still partially attached. YAY!! Its pretty gross...I can actually FEEL the spot that is ripped behind my knee....the part of the main tendon thats still attached is protruding & swollen, but the ripped part feels like a ball, all bunched up. YUCK!!!

My Dr. said I definately need Surgery. :(

Just waiting to hear from the Ortho Surgeon...and in the mean time will hafta go to PT for a lil rehab. Oh yeah...and he STRESSED that I am UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE to do ANY kind of workout that incorporates my Quads, Hamstring or calves. WTF??? (It probably wasnt a good idea goin straight to the doc appt from the gym huh?)Especially since just 3 or 4 weeks ago the exact same Doc ordered me to do NO WORKOUTS especially cardio for 4-6 weeks. Yikes. Oh well..

Yeah...I did go and do my UBWO yesterday a.m.

Someone on my Tracker Biggest Loser team asked me how do I find the strength/motivation and WANT to go WO even when Im injured? Honestly I DONT. I just GO THRU THE MOTIONS to get myself there...then once Im at the gym..99% of the time something inside of me takes over & I push as hard as I can. Do I WANT to do this? Hellll least not right now--I'd LOVE to be able to sleep in late, lounge around the house, relax & eat as I please..
The reality of it--I CANT. So I wont! :)

Well I could...but if I chose that everyday..Id be super-fat, sad, miserable and probably headed back for another stint in the Cuckoo-Ward...


Janel said...

Awwww, Dana, that SUX about your knee! Sorry, girlie. But hey, its 80% (or more) diet so you will be OK. That pic of you and Blake is too cute!! Happy b-day Blake!

KatieFeldmom said...

Oh man. Surgery. That sucks.

Unknown said...

When will you hear from surgeon? You better do it or I'll come to Cali and drag you there myself!

I love you and miss you!!

Hayley said...

I'm so sorry about you having to have surgery...that definitely sucks. I agree with you on the workout thing though! Plus I always know how much better i'll feel afterwards. :)

Unknown said...

update woman!